Sunday, June 24, 2007

UCC College Novel Project

The UCC College Novel Website is located at


Maria said...

Hi, guys. How are you all doing.
How did you like the book. For me it was just beautiful. I have read about war a lot, but this is just horrible , horrible what people can do to each other. IT was said in the book that you will never know what the war is like if you dont' feel it on yourshelf.
Same thing happened to our main character. He would never know how really bad the war is. For me " A long way gone" is so interssting book. I would suggest for eveyone to read it.

Anonymous said...

1. In long way gone there is a lot of detailed violent acts. The acts are so detailed that you can picture what is happening in your head. It was more like watching a horroe movie. The way he detailed the actions of the war i could have seen the people laying on the ground with their heads bust open and the blood forming a puddle on the ground around the heads.
2. I think Long Way Gone is a good book. It informs people about the things that are going on in other parts of the world. It shows how lucky others are that they dont have to go through anything like that. Ishmael ran for miles from village to villageand went long periods of time without eating, he also had to kill people and use drugs.
3. Ishmael got use to killing people because he knew it was the only way to survive.
4. It was either kill or be killed. It shocked him to see his roommate be killed because his roommate was so young. I think that it what made him realize that he had to do whatever it meant to survive.
5. Ishmael's down falls was getting hooked and using drugs. He did so that he would stay awake and alert. That wy he could kill as much rebels as possible to get revange for his family, but in the long run it made him an abuseive person.
6. When Ishmael was in the Benin home in the begining Ishmael beat on the staff took his mattress outside to sleep and demaned repect and did not play by the rules.
7. I think it was a good book, but I believe a lot of the violence could have been left out. The purpose of the book was to notify people about what he had to go through and what gose on in Sirre Leon.
8. I don't think anyone should have to go throught what he did. It was just wrong and evil. No one should be without their family. Everyone deserves to be loved. He did not even know for sure that his family is dead. That must be tortor.
9. I think that Ishmael want a family so bad that he began to think of everyone that came around him as family. Frist the boys that he was runing with then the lutenint and the soldiers, and finally the nurse at the Benin Home he thought of her as his sister.
He was a bit confused about what to think of people as humans because when he started running when they got caught people would take them as a threat. He would then run into someone who would try to help them excape the danger. It confused him because he did not know who he could trust.
10. After the Benin home he was able to open up to people and talk about what happened to him. He did not feel like anyone was a threat to him any more.

Ashley Castillo