Friday, June 22, 2007


On behalf of UCC’s College Novel Committee, I would like to welcome you to This blog has been created primarily for members of the Union County College Community who wish to discuss A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah.

Please refrain from using any language that others may find offensive.


Collge Novel said...

This is a test. I signed up for Gmail and did not create a blog. I want to see if I can leave a message.

will vandorp said...

i'm looking forward to discussion of political and social issues raised by the book as well as matters of craft. we all have a memoir in us, right?

lax1268 said...

Just checking what this blog is all about.

Judith said...

I am using this book with two ESL 082 classes. We will be looking forward to reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

Someone let us know what you think of the novel: basic responses.

will said...

a strength of the memoir is the gut-wrenching descriptions of the narrator's three years as a refugees and child soldier are then followed by a compelling description of his rehabilitation. this is a story of hope for all those--by some counts--300,000 child soldiers caught in conlicts around the globe.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm trying to publish my comments here for couple days already, for some reason I cannot do it.
I'm trying again, lets see.

Anonymous said...

I have read a four new chapters of the book and i see things got more dramatic. I especially feel bad for Saidu's death. Im thinking if really he died of lost of hope.
im waiting for a response from you.

katharine said...

I (finally) just finsihed reading the book, and wonder how intially we can even comment on a work so full of horror.

Anonymous said...

Dis book i very good, I mean know even though none of those things that are happenening in the book are new but it still cathes my attention and makes me want to read ahead of the class

Anonymous said...

I dont like rading books but theres something about this one that caught my attention from the beginning and I think it was the cover

Anonymous said...

As I was reading this book it made me think if I would do the same thing if I was in there shoes. We all hated the rebels but when Ish jointed the military he was doing the same things the rebels were doing to innnocent people

Anonymous said...

Even though I think this book was pretty good but at the same time I came to the conclusion that he exsadurated some parts to make it sound better

Anonymous said...

But I like this book and so far I only read books in my whole life and I've only been living for about 19 years now

Anonymous said...

The next chapters of the book are
even more dramatic then the previes ones. The boys have to fight on the front lines which is very bad for them because it destroys their human nateure and their childchood . IT took them so long to recover from the violence they lived with every day. I feel bad for the kids who have to be soldiers and have no childchood.

Anonymous said...

If I woudn't have read this book I would nevetr knew that kids are forced to fight. I knew that womern sometimes have to go to the
fromt lines, but I would never think that childern do . Now I know.

Anonymous said...

cristhiam anhuaman

this book is very good catches my attention even though i hate books this one is very interesting

Anonymous said...

cristhiam anhuaman

when i read this book. i feel like im really living what he went through. i felt good when he jonied the army because that gave him a lot of hope.

Anonymous said...

Cristhiam Anhuaman

when his superior gave him up to the unicef .i know that it was a good thing but he didnt understand what he did, i think that in that moment he felt sad again because he was losing his new family ''army''

Anonymous said...

Cristhiam anhuaman

Good thing about the book that it shows you that he was very addicted to drugs and killing. but with time he overcomed those addictions and while doing that he became a better person.

Anonymous said...

cristhiam anhuaman

also, without this book i would not know what happens in other countrys for example: what happens in wars. i will just probably think that everyone's life is the same as ours in the U.S.